An Exclusive Peer-Selected
Entrepreneurial Network

Catalytic Icon is a peer-selected network of entrepreneurs that value connecting with their deepest desires and having authentic interactions with peers to create sustainable growth and a balanced lifestyle. Catalytic Icon curates Catalytic Conversations (TM) and Immersive Experiences (TM) to help our community thrive and flourish.


Catalytic Conversations

Join Our [Virtual] Synergy Circle

Are you ready to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level? Join the Synergy Circle, an exclusive virtual mastermind group designed for ambitious entrepreneurs like you who thrive on collaboration, learning, and joint venture opportunities. Our uniqueness lies in our intimate group of successful entrepreneurs that get the benefit of unparalleled collaboration, learning opportunities, customized resources and the opportunity to focus on joint venture synergies or other partnerships that lead to mutual success and expansion. Apply today to join the Synergy Circle and embark on a journey of collaborative success.

Immersive Experiences

Next [In-Person] Event: Hiking & Chef Experience

Join Catalytic Icon for our next Immersive Experience in Bandera, Texas on June 24th, 2024. This experience is designed to get you in your courage zone (and out of your comfort zone) both emotionally and physically. It is also designed as a powerful pause for you to reflect and gain clarity and insights for anything in your business life or personal life. While doing that, you will also be immersed amongst nature and like-minded entrepreneurs. You’ll enjoy authentic dialogue, connecting with peers and a unique chef experience from one of the beautiful viewing points on our hike. This experience is limited to eight entrepreneurs.


Catalytic Icon Sponsorships

Catalytic Icon partners with a few companies a year that align with our core pillars and that help exponentialize the value of the conversations we engage in as a community. If you are interested in offering relevant products or services during pivotal moments of a founder’s journey and connecting with highly-vetted entrepreneurs and founders, please make an inquiry below.

We only work with a select number of companies each year.

As Seen In…

Founder Accolades

Quality over Quantity

Our Core Belief is Simple: Catalytic Icon gives founders access to off-the-record conversations to propel their businesses forward without wasting time or money.

We catalyze relevant, vulnerable conversations that drive entrepreneurial resiliency and efficiency. We authentically discuss obstacles and challenges in business and leverage the diversity of the group to identify meaningful solutions.

We accelerate the pace of which success and milestones are reached because you don’t have to go-it alone or re-create the wheel.